Highground Cyber

CMMC Implementation Gap Assessment

"Understanding which of the 110 Controls and 320 Assessment Objectives we had deployed and where we had technical and process gaps proved to be both challenging and overwhelming. The Highground Cyber team reviewed our scope and System Security Plans and provided a detailed gap analysis that helped us create a plan that was optimized for our infrastructure and our business process. We save a great deal of time and money by working with a Highground Certified CMMC Professional."
- Dave Strick, VP of IT at Foth

A Balanced Approach WIth Correct Priorities

Understanding The Implementation Problem

Walking the CMMC Highwire

OSAs typically struggle with two things when developing program plans for CMMC:

They over or under scope their CUI security domain, which impacts the footprint that security controls need to cover
They often get led astray by managed service providers who have an agenda centered around reselling solutions from their vendor partners

Understanding The Assessment

The implementation gap assessment focuses on identifying the CMMC practices you are not currently addressing with the controls you have in place - whatever they may be. Unlike our CMMC readiness assessment, our gap assessment is not about gathering evidence that you are meeting assessment objectives; it aims to identify what additional security controls you will need to put in place to pass your CMMC certification assessment. Our recommendations for security controls are informed by your existing infrastructure, not what we can sell you. The Certified CMMC Professionals at Highground Cyber organize the deployment of these additional security controls into a CMMC-specific, prioritized program plan that is tailored to what makes your organization unique.